Table & Ticket Options

Diamond Level - $75,000

  • Reserved Table of 10 with company name prominently displayed
  • Diamond table placement closest to the stage
  • VIP/Red Carpet photo op access
  • Acknowledgement from the stage as a Diamond Sponsor
  • Full page ad in B+C Hall of Fame Supplement with event and national distribution
  • Recognition on event promotional materials
  • Company logo and link on B+C Hall of Fame website

Platinum Level - $50,000

  • Reserved table of 10 with company name prominently displayed
  • Platinum table placement behind Diamond tables
  • Full page ad in B+C Hall of Fame Supplement with event and national distribution
  • Company logo and link on B+C Hall of Fame website

Gold Level - $40,000

  • Reserved Table of 10 with company name prominently displayed
  • Gold table placement behind Diamond and Platinum tables
  • Full page ad in B+C Hall of Fame Supplement with event and national distribution
  • Company logo and link on B+C Hall of Fame website

Silver Level - $35,000

  • Reserved Table of 10 with company name prominently displayed
  • Silver table placement behind Diamond, Platinum and Gold tables
  • Company logo and link on B+C Hall of Fame website

VIP Individual Ticket - $5,000

  • Individual Ticket with priority placement

Standard Individual Ticket - $3,500

  • Individual Ticket

Cancellation Fee: On or before August 30, 2024 - 15% of tickets/tables price. After August 30, 2024 - Non-refundable All cancellations/substitutions must be received by Future US Inc. prior to the event.

Hall of Fame Attendee