Diamond Level | $50,000
- Reserved Table of 10 with Company Name Prominently Displayed
- Premier Table closest to the stage
- VIP/Red Carpet Photo Op Access
- Acknowledgement from the Stage as a Diamond Sponsor
- Full page four-color Spread in the October 28th B+C Hall of Fame Supplement with event and national distribution
- Recognition on Event Promotional Materials
- Company logo and Link on B+C Hall of Fame Website
Platinum Level | $35,000
- Reserved Table of 10 with Company Name Prominently Displayed
- Premier Table Placement behind diamond tables
- Full page four-color ad in October 28th B+C Hall of Fame Supplement with event and national distribution
- Company Logo and Link on B+C Hall of Fame Website
Gold Level | $30,000
- Reserved Table of 10 with Company Name Prominently Displayed
- Priority Table Placement behind diamond and platinum tables
- Half page four-color ad in October 28th B+C Hall of Fame Supplement with event and national distribution
Silver Level | $25,000
- Reserved Table of 10 with Company Name Prominently Displayed
- Company listing in B+C Hall of Fame Supplement
VIP Ticket | $5,000
- Individual Ticket with Priority Placement
Standard Ticket | $2,500
- Individual Ticket
2020 Ad Close and Materials Dates Coming Soon!
Full Page, 4c, Tabloid | $10,500
Trim: 10.5" x 13.5"
Bleed: 10.75" x 13.75"
Half Page, 4c, Tabloid | $6,500
Non-bleed half page: 9.5" x 6"
Contact Us
For tables, tickets, ads and sponsorship information please contact:
Jessica Wolin